The Only Way – John 15:18-27

The world hated Jesus and tried to destroy Him. In many areas of our world, the world still hates Jesus and is trying to destroy His body, the Church. Even in our Western nations, the culture is turning against the truth of the Gospel and the body of Christ. Jesus said He is the way, but our world does not believe there is only one way. It believes that each person can find his or her own way. Jesus said that He is the truth, but our world believes there is no one truth and that truth varies from person to person. Jesus said that He is the life, but our world seems to celebrate death more than life.

If the world hates Jesus, we don’t want it to love us. Look at verse 19. We don’t want to be of the world. We want to be the people who were chosen out of the world. This world is truly not our home. If we feel uncomfortable here, it’s because we don’t belong here. Jesus does not want us to be part of Him and part of the world. We have to decide where our allegiance lies. Do we love this world, or do we love Christ?

Pray for your own single-mindedness on this. Ask the Lord to help you grow in love and obedience to Him and to separate your heart from this world.



